Lily Bouquet



A beautiful arrangement of fragrant lilies that will brighten up any space with their elegant charm. These flowers are not just a gift; they are a symbol of love and appreciation. The lilies, known for their graceful petals and sweet scent, create a stunning visual and aromatic experience. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply to convey your heartfelt sentiments. Bring a touch of nature’s beauty into your life or share it with someone special through our enchanting Lily Bouquet today! πŸŒΈπŸ’βœ¨

Product Details:
♣ 6 oriental Lilly
♣ 1 message card

Need to know :
♣ It is a reference picture that is shown.
♣ For the best experience, the photo should be of good quality, and please do not share any screenshots.
♣ We will update you via email or message about the confirmation.
♣ Share the photo via email at or WhatsApp us at +91 7976260797 along with your name and booking ID.
♣ For any further details about this surprise, you can email us at or call us at +91 7976260797.
